Sunday, April 5, 2009

I'm Finally Finished

I though I would be the happiest person alive to be finished student teaching, but its a little bit bitter sweet. I will miss my crazy third graders! I have become a much stronger person and better teacher because of this experience and I am truly thankful.
Here are the five surviving student teachers of Washington Elementary.
I can not believe its already over. There were a few times I wanted to quit and I really didn't think I would make it through, but I persevered. On Friday when I said my goodbye to my class I was very sad and of course I was crying. These kids are amazing and I love each one of them. They taught me a lot in so many different ways. They each wrote me a letter saying thank you and how much they will miss me. That was such a great gift from them.

Here I am with My site teacher Ms. Brown

My wonderful Class!!!!

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