Sunday, March 8, 2009

Jabber Box/ Dyson 16 Months

Our Sweet Boy is growing up! He is a non stop talker. Half the time you can't understand what he is saying, but it's so cute. He is even talking in sentances and it is so fun to understand whats going on in that mind of his.
Dyson loves to get Daddy's hat and wear it.

Dyson Loves to copy Dad , so he gets pop cans out of the fridge and pretends to drink them.

He loves ELMO and gives him kisses! Adorable:)


Brindy said...

Jess, he is so adorable. I cant believe how big he is getting. That is so awesome he is starting sentences. It is jsut so funny to hear how litlle kids pronounce there words.

The Wrights said...

What a cutie! Can you believe how fast they grow up?