Sunday, October 19, 2008

Fall Break/ Dyson 12 Months

Fall break has been so much fun!! We went to story time at the library, the park, swimming, Utah football game and just hung out. Dyson even got to go to the Halloween store to pick out his costume. That may have been his favorite with all the talking monsters.
All dressed up for church.
Dyson loves the pool.


Go Utes!
Dyson actually did very well at the game, but he is not going again for along time!
He always new the right time to clap.
As long as he had snacks he was happy.

1 comment:

Brindy said...

Hi Richards... I am so glad to see you guys have a blog. You look like you guys have been doing well. Dyson is so dang cute he is getting so big. I cant believe he was walking so early and now he is a year. It is crazy how fast it goes by.