Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Labor Day/ Dyson 11 Months

Dyson was so sad because it was rainy all day and we couldn't go to the pool.
very sneaky

SOO Tall
It got sunny and warmed up late afternoon so we went to the park.
Dyson loves the park but he thinks he is big and can do everything by his self.

No fear



Tinabean said...

Little man is getting so big I can't believe it.
He is so cute I can't believe he's walking.
I hope your teaching is going good.

Jason and Ronda said...

Hey Jessica, it's Ronda from the ward I found your blog through Charlotte's. Your little guy is so cute! He has gotten so big. He looks just like your husband.

Tinabean said...

Hey are you guys going up to the cabin this weekend?