I ended up not being able to move with my original site teacher. My professor wanted me to stay at Washington Elementary where I was originally assigned so I could work with the other student teachers.
So I am now with Ms. Brown in third grade. The student's are great and so cute. I already love them. Ms brown my site teacher there has a very different teaching style than I do, so it is going to be interesting to see how this goes. She is very nice and I think it is going to be a great experience.
My classroom is very diverse we have about 10 Caucasian, 2 black , 1 Polynesian, 1 Armenian, and 10 Hispanic. We have 5 families in our class where the parents do not speak english. At this school about 80% receive free lunch and breakfast. So they are all from low income families. I am very excited to make a difference in their lives through out the year.