Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Danielle's Bridal Shower

Saturday My Mom and I threw a Bridal Shower for my sister and it turned out terrific!
Me and my little sis Danielle

My Mom, Danielle and Me

So we played the game "How Well Do You Know Clayton"
Every answer she go wrong she had to put a piece of bubblicious gum in her mouth!

She ended up with 13/ 20. So she had 7 pieces of gum in her mouth.
Dyson is really starting to get scared of people. So Dad had to come pick him up.
We had a contest of which group could make the best wedding dress out of toilet paper. This is the winning team!!

Grandma Seipert and Grandma Hoffmann
Clayton came to open presents with Danielle.
Clayton's Mom is sooo funny she gave them some really fun rather embarrassing gifts that I am sure will come to good use!!
The Bride and Groom to be:)

1 comment:

Staci Parry said...

So, I am so glad to have been invited to this bridal shower. It was definately a blast. I am so excited for Danielle and Clayton. It was awesome to have met you and your family. Your lil boy is definately the cutest!