Friday, April 25, 2008

Dyson 5 Months Old Play time

Dyson loves to go outside he is mesmerized by everything he sees. We have been taking him to the park acrossed the street when its warm and he swings on the swings. He LOVES it!! We can't wait tell it gets warmer so we can actually go outside more often.

Dyson Trying to be just like Daddy and play madden on Xbox-live.

Whats going on?
I'm hungry.

Dyson and I went and got balloons for Dad on Pro day. Dyson took over he thought they were the best things ever made. Every time he touched them and they would move he would laugh his head off.

Mr. Smiles
Dyson really hates his bumbo chair because it traps him. He can get out of his car seat and every other seat besides this one so he hates it.
My 2 best boys!! Love you!

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