Monday, January 28, 2008

Dyson - 3 1/2 Months/ Just Playin' Around

Dyson's new favorite spot is layin in the sink.
He was laughing hysterically at Derrek:) Derrek would hide and scare him, then he would start laughing so hard. Its the cutest thing ever.
What a happy boy

Dyson is getting so tall we have to raise his jumperoo.
" Come on everybody lets do the chicken dance with Elmo"
He loves his friend Elmo

My two favorite boys

Lots of drool
Dyson is such a jabberbox he never stops talking.
Derrek gave Dyson paper towels to play with.
Dyson can grab things and hold them now. He is having so much fun playing.


Unknown said...

aw your little guy is growing so fast geez by the time I get to see him next he will probably be walking ! He has such a good mix of you two so cute ;)

Latida108 said...

Hey guys,
I can't get over how darling little Dyson is! What a cutie! Can you believe how fast it's gone by?! It was good to see you at his blessing, we should get together again soon!

Anonymous said...

Those laughing pictures are so cute:) I am glad you were able to capture that moment. Let me know if you need me to babysit again!